Thursday, April 10, 2008

Motorbike makeover (a motorbike vinyl wrap)

The other day I was asked to signwrite a motor bike. I thought the owner only wanted to to put on a few logos. It turned out he wanted to turn it into a replica of the Grand Prix bike (number 26 HONDA).

The bike is a YAMAHA so the owner wanted to uses the Yamaha logo instead of HONDA. It would have been a bit strange to change to branding of a motorbike without reason. Here is the bike to begin with (after it had been stripped of any original decals).

The photo is not very good, because the lens was fogged up and I didn't notice.

To start I had to change the fuel tank colour. I did this with vinyl, sure it may have been better or even easier to do with paint, but that would have taken a lot of preparation and some dismantling. It would have also meant I couldn't show off my vinyl wrapping skills! Heres a photo of the vinyl wrap underway.

Now thats smooth!!

Then I proceeded to add all the vinyl decal on the side and back, wrapping them all around the plastic fairing.

The only other photos I took were of the finished Bike, after I had added all the vinyl logos. I'm pretty happy with it. What do you think?